View Quotation
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Last updated
Here you can manage your Quotation's against the company. You can find View Quotation under Quotation tab In side menu tab.
Below you can find fields list on which we can apply filter.
Company Name *
Quotation No
Quotation From - To Date
Quotation Expiry (Hold Stock Till)
Quotation (Active/Dormant)
There is some more filter in advance tab.
You can find old quotation in view quotation you can use filter to find the quotation. Quotations are already filtered into different status (Active/Pending/Complete/Canceled)
Let's me explain what are the use of these buttons.
Eye icon is used to view quotation details and products
Cart button is used to convert this order into Sale Order
Pencil edit button used to edit quotation. (If you want to add charges, Add/Remove Product, Discount related changes, much more)
Email button help to send quotation on anyone email.
Whats app button help to send short info about quotation with a quotation web view link.
Delete button is used to cancel quotation.
Note: Base on role setting you may see some more or less details.