Customer Management System
Last updated
Customer Management System
Last updated
Here you can manage your customer's and there multiple company. Adding or edit any customer details is very simple.
In Billing Pie Customer can be Vendor, Buyer or Dealer.
You can find Add Customer under Customer tab In side menu tab.
We have only one fields request which is company name other fields are options.
Below you can find fields list.
Company Name *
Phone No.
Email Id.
Apart from above fields user can add company contact person and multiple addresses as well and that includes below fields
Contact Person Details
Contact Person Name
Phone No.
Email Id.
Note: You can add multiple phone no for a single person
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State *
Pin code
You can configure a company to be marked as a "Credit Party." When this setting is enabled, the system will not prompt for payment entries during sales or purchase transactions.