Product Query
on Product query to can filter out you customer requirement and create a shareable document for your customer.
Last updated
on Product query to can filter out you customer requirement and create a shareable document for your customer.
Last updated
Using below filter you can filter you customer requiment for example your customer want some options of notebook and pen price range b/w 50-100 and it required 1000 qty.
Fliters will be look like below picture and for some search queries you can save your search request for future use by clicking on save button beside reset.
The result will be look like this.
Product Name Column: Contains Unique ListNo, Product Name, Attributes, HSN Code, and Brand.
Price Column: Shows the product's minimum selling price.
Godown Column: Indicates the quantity of the product stored in each godown.
Total Quantity Column: Represents the total quantity of the product.
BOK - ORD Qty: Displays the booking or pending order quantity for the product.
Days Needed Column: Shows the number of days required to fulfill the order quantity.
Image on full page with or without price.
PDF with details
Copy to Clipboard is a table format which help to you copy paste on email.